Tickets faqs

What is the 100% Buyer Guarantee?

The 100% Buyer Guarantee promises that your transaction will be secure, that your tickets will be delivered before your event, and that those tickets will be valid and authentic. Your trust is our top priority, and this Guarantee is part of our commitment to ensuring the security of your purchase as well as your satisfaction and peace of mind.

How does EvilTickets obtain tickets for resale? How about tickets to sold-out events?

EvilTickets does not own or generate tickets; rather, all tickets listed in our marketplace are managed and owned, by professional ticket resellers and pre-screened individual sellers who have already purchased those tickets. EvilTickets’ marketplace allows these sellers to resell their tickets in a secure, controlled e-commerce environment. Many of our professional resellers own season tickets for various teams or venues, or have direct business partnerships with teams, venues, and promoters. As a result, they are able to provide premium tickets or passes to sold-out events. 

What is the secondary market? What is a resale marketplace?

EvilTickets is a resale marketplace, which means we operates on the secondary or “resale” market; an industry defined by a collection of tickets listed by professional and independent resellers. This means we do not own or generate tickets as a team or venue box office would; rather, we list and sell tickets from verified resellers.

The secondary market is a "live marketplace" where ticket prices and availability change constantly based on the supply and demand of interested fans. Therefore, the prices of any tickets listed for sale may be above or below the printed "face value," or the price originally assigned to and often printed on those tickets. Due to the nature of the ticket industry, tickets are subject to availability. All orders are considered requests until the respective seller confirms availability of the tickets. At that point, our 100% Buyer Guarantee goes into effect.

Is EvilTickets legitimate and reliable?

As a leader in the secondary marketplace, we take pride in providing you with the industry’s best prices, premium tickets to sold-out events, and dedicated customer support. To date, we have processed and fulfilled more than 6 million orders for fans like you. All professional resellers who list on our site must first complete a thorough screening process and adhere to strict performance standards. Those standards allow us to guarantee the validity and authenticity of any tickets you purchase from us.

I’ve never purchased from EvilTickets before. What is the process?

Welcome to EvilTickets! We’re glad to have you. We make the purchase process easy, and our expert customer service team works hard to ensure every part of your experience is smooth and hassle-free.
You can purchase tickets online using our streamlined, step-by-step checkout process, or call our sales line at 888-658-0581 to order by phone. All orders you place through EvilTickets are considered ticket requests until the managing seller confirms the order. This confirmation usually occurs within moments, but may, in some cases, take up to 48 hours. Once the seller confirms your order, you will receive an email containing your order’s estimated shipping or delivery date.
When your tickets are ready, we will send a follow-up email containing more information on how and when you will be receiving your tickets.
Please note that the available delivery options are chosen based on the estimated date that the tickets will be ready to be delivered, not the date that you place your order. While many tickets are available for immediate delivery, sellers do not always have the tickets "in hand" at the time an order is placed—especially if that order is placed well in advance of the event date. This occurs when the requested tickets have not yet been printed or issued by the team or box office. This is often the case with season tickets or fan club tickets, which are guaranteed to the seller but not issued until closer to the event date. Rest assured—you are guaranteed to receive your tickets in time for your event.

Am I purchasing tickets directly from the venue, team, or performer?

All tickets listed for sale in our marketplace are owned or managed by independent resellers. EvilTickets is not directly affiliated with any venue, team, or performer, and we do not own or generate tickets.

Why shouldn’t I just buy from a ticket scalper, auction site, or classified site?

We do not recommend buying from ticket scalpers or unverified classified sites. While tickets put up for sale by such sources may appear to be less expensive, there is no way to guarantee the authenticity of the tickets until you arrive at the event. Furthermore, should tickets from these sellers prove to be fake or invalid, there is no way to hold the seller accountable or secure compensation.
EvilTickets, on the other hand, only lists tickets from professional ticket resellers or pre-screened individual sellers. Our role as the intermediary in your ticket purchase allows us to facilitate safe, secure transactions and ensure any tickets you purchase will be valid and authentic. Best of all, all orders placed through us are backed by a 100% Buyer Guarantee.

Is my information secure? Does the seller have access to any of my information?

Your information is safe with us! Keeping your payment and personal info secure is one of our top priorities. We simply act as a liaison between you and the seller, providing only the information that is necessary to facilitate the delivery of your tickets (i.e. a shipping address).
Unlike other secondary marketplaces that rely on sellers to complete transactions and provide those sellers with customers’ credit card information, EvilTickets processes all transactions in-house. This means that we will never share your information with the seller.

How do I search for and select tickets?

On the top of every page, you will see a search box. Select this box, type the name of the performer, team, venue, or region you’re interested in, and click “Search.” Your search will return a list of events displayed in chronological order.
Once you find your desired event date or location, click “Tickets.” This will take you to a page displaying all available listings for that event. If there are no tickets available, you may enter your email address to register for updates on availability for that event.

The listing I want to order includes more tickets than I need. Why can’t I order a specific number of tickets?

When our sellers create listings for their tickets, they set the quantities that may or may not be selected in an order. The industry standard is to sell even sets of tickets in even batches (e.g. two, four, six, or eight tickets from a set of eight), and odd sets in odd batches (e.g. one, three, five, or seven tickets from a set of seven). Sellers do this to avoid being left with single tickets, which are often difficult to sell, or due to restrictions set by delivery method (certain tickets can only be delivered in specific, limited quantities.)
If you are unable to find your desired number of tickets for a particular event on our website, please contact our Sales Department by calling 888-658-0581. We will work to obtain the requested number of tickets.

Hotel faqs

Is EvilTickets legitimate and reliable?

As a leader in the secondary marketplace, we take pride in providing you with the industry’s best prices, premium tickets to sold-out events, and dedicated customer support. To date, we have processed and fulfilled more than 6 million orders for fans like you. All professional resellers who list on our site must first complete a thorough screening process and adhere to strict performance standards. Those standards allow us to guarantee the validity and authenticity of any tickets you purchase from us.

I’ve never purchased from EvilTickets before. What is the process?

Welcome to EvilTickets! We’re glad to have you. We make the purchase process easy, and our expert customer service team works hard to ensure every part of your experience is smooth and hassle-free.
You can purchase tickets online using our streamlined, step-by-step checkout process, or call our sales line at 888-658-0581 to order by phone. All orders you place through EvilTickets are considered ticket requests until the managing seller confirms the order. This confirmation usually occurs within moments, but may, in some cases, take up to 48 hours. Once the seller confirms your order, you will receive an email containing your order’s estimated shipping or delivery date.
When your tickets are ready, we will send a follow-up email containing more information on how and when you will be receiving your tickets.
Please note that the available delivery options are chosen based on the estimated date that the tickets will be ready to be delivered, not the date that you place your order. While many tickets are available for immediate delivery, sellers do not always have the tickets "in hand" at the time an order is placed—especially if that order is placed well in advance of the event date. This occurs when the requested tickets have not yet been printed or issued by the team or box office. This is often the case with season tickets or fan club tickets, which are guaranteed to the seller but not issued until closer to the event date. Rest assured—you are guaranteed to receive your tickets in time for your event.

Am I purchasing tickets directly from the venue, team, or performer?

All tickets listed for sale in our marketplace are owned or managed by independent resellers. EvilTickets is not directly affiliated with any venue, team, or performer, and we do not own or generate tickets.

Why shouldn’t I just buy from a ticket scalper, auction site, or classified site?

We do not recommend buying from ticket scalpers or unverified classified sites. While tickets put up for sale by such sources may appear to be less expensive, there is no way to guarantee the authenticity of the tickets until you arrive at the event. Furthermore, should tickets from these sellers prove to be fake or invalid, there is no way to hold the seller accountable or secure compensation.
EvilTickets, on the other hand, only lists tickets from professional ticket resellers or pre-screened individual sellers. Our role as the intermediary in your ticket purchase allows us to facilitate safe, secure transactions and ensure any tickets you purchase will be valid and authentic. Best of all, all orders placed through us are backed by a 100% Buyer Guarantee.

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